The journal Tourism and Hospitality Management signifies the most important publishing effort of the Faculty.

Years of work dedicated to raising the quality of this publication ultimately yielded a journal indexed in the following citation databases: Cabell's DirectoriesCabi PublishingLeisure, Recreation and Tourism AbstractsCIRETEBSCO Publishing: Hospitality & Tourism CompleteEconLit: Journal of Economic LiteratureHrčak, PROQUEST: ABI/INFORMScopus, SSRN - Social Science Research NetworkZBW – Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften.

Standard publishing list includes conference proceedings from the Tourism in South East Europe (ToSEE) and Tourism and Hospitality Industry (THI). Extensive effort is now being put in indexation of these publications as well.

The Faculty’s publishing policy continuously supports publication of the textbooks, professional and scientific papers of its employees.