Project Code

Project Title

Project Manager

ZIP-UNIRI-116-1-19 Accounting policies in reporting of Croatian hotel companies Dubravka Vlašić
The carbon footprint of active sport event tourists: the case of trail runner
Hrvoje Grofelnik
ZIP-UNIRI-116-3-19 Focus on quality in household accommodation - guest perspective Ana-Marija Vrtodušić Hrgović
ZIP-UNIRI-116-4-19 Communication skills of tourism employees: self-evaluation, soft skills, self-esteem and  entrepreneurship intention Ana Čuić-Tanković
ZIP-UNIRI-116-5-19 Analysis of human and corporate tone of voice on social media in hotel industry Jelena Mušanović
ZIP-UNIRI-116-6-19 Strengthening the financial sustainability of non-profit organizations through activities related to tourism  Lorena Dadić